By Lois Baley

Every year on Halloween, children of all ages dress up to go trick or treating. Originally the costumes were made to scare people, but now it is a fun day to be someone you’re not and receive candy for your efforts! Here is a list of the most popular costumes for Halloween 2013.

1) Zombies.  Zombies have been shown this year through a few new movies, World War Z, Evil Dead, along with the TV show The Walking Dead. 

2) Traditional. Still very popular are the long-time favorites: Vampires,Witches, Ghosts, Skeletons. 

3) Super Heroes are very popular considering all of the new super hero movies like Iron Man 3, Man of Steel, and Oz The Great and Powerful.

4) A hot new trend is Despicable Me 2, coming soon from Universal Pictures

5) Disney princesses are still extremely popular along with characters from the new movie Tangled.

6) A new popular one is the new TLC show called Duck Dynasty. 

There you have it… the 2013 list of popular Halloween costumes! Remember to count those zombies this year!

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    October 2013

